Veer "Urbano"
Smooth Grain Stucco, Made in Italy, Zero VOC
Veer paint "Urbano" Series. Art meets innovations.
Smooth grain stucco. Lime putty with classic marmorino effect, transformed and renewed with new style. It's a collection between simplicity of opaque finish and timeless elegance. Made in Italy. Zero VOC. Decorative natural stucco paste, formulated folowing the experience of ancient recipes, technically updated to market needs, which allows to obtain highly opaque and velvety finishes with a marble effect. Its enchanting opacity. It gives a particular depth to the walls and a seductive touch, of exclusive elegance and refinement, which remains absolutely balanced and never intrusive. Highly breathable, it has an exceptional good anti-mold power, thanks to the natural disinfectant power of lime. It hardens through a chemical carbonation process, calcium hydroxide (the primary binder of the product) which reacts with carbon dioxide in the air to form calcium carbonate which is the main component of marble, hence the name "marmorino". It is used as a high decoration finish in prestigious environments, both public and private
Tanyarin team recommends the application on lime substrates, but it can also be applied on gypsum or by - products, old water - based paints if strong and well anchored, after applying a coat of DERASOL H2O diluted with water in a 1 to 1 ratio, or Primer S for difficult surfaces difficult to adhere to (old washable paints, plasterboard, concrete, ceramics, etc.)
1.Spread a layer of Veer "Urbano" with a stainless steel trowel and level the support; if necessary repeat the operation with another layer.
2 Spread another layer of Veer "Urbano", taking care to obtain an absolutely smooth surface. As soon as the product tends to dry, exercise with a stainless steel trowel pressing it slightly in order to smoothen and compact the surface, thus obtaining the typical effect of this plaster.
Smooth Grain Stucco
Zero VOC
Marmorino Effect
20 Kgs / Bucket
Applied up to 20 sqm / Bucket
Technical Data
SPECIFIC WEIGHT: 1,714 +/-5% Kg./Lt.
VISCOSITY’: Thixotropic paste
DRYING to touch: 2 hours at 20°C.
DRYING Completely: 24 hours at 20°C.
APPLICATION TEMP: between 10°C and 30°C.
COVERAGE: 0,6 – 0,8 m²/Kg. (two coats)
COLOURS: From the colour chart
PACKAGE: Polyethylene drums Kg.20
TINTING: The colours can also be obtained through the tinting system
PRESERVATION: 24 months in the intact packages away from temperature changes.